
id:nobusue さんにGrandleをインストールするならGVMの方が良いとコメントを頂いたのでGVM(http://gvmtool.net/)をインストールする。インストールする前にJAVA_HOMEの設定が必要。あとはサイトに記述しているコマンドを実行するだけ。

bobbyjam99% echo $JAVA_HOME                                                                                         [~]
bobbyjam99% curl -s get.gvmtool.net | bash                                                                          [~]
uname: illegal option -- o
usage: uname [-amnprsv]
Thanks for using                                                     
                                       Will now attempt installing...
Looking for a previous installation of GVM...
Looking for JAVA_HOME...
Validating JAVA_HOME...
Looking for unzip...
Looking for curl...
Installing gvm scripts...
Create distribution directories...
Create candidate directories...
Prime the config file...
Download script archive...
Extract script archive...
Install scripts...
Make init script executable...
Attempt update of bash profiles...
Created and initialised /Users/bobbyjam99/.bash_profile
Updated existing /Users/bobbyjam99/.bashrc
Attempt update of zsh profiles...
Updated existing /Users/bobbyjam99/.zshrc

All done!

Please open a new terminal, or run the following in the existing one:

    source "/Users/bobbyjam99/.gvm/bin/gvm-init.sh"

Then issue the following command:

    gvm help

bobbyjam99%                                                                                                         [~]


bobbyjam99% source "/Users/bobbyjam99/.gvm/bin/gvm-init.sh"                                               [~]
bobbyjam99% gvm help                                                                                                [~]

==== BROADCAST =============================================

GVM version 0.9.5                              
In this release:                               
 * local dev candidate installation            
 * zsh init fragment bug fix                   
 * strip out isolated_mode config              
 * improvements on README.md                   
 * various bug fixes                           
Report any issues at:                          

Running GVM server 0.9.5 on vertx 1.3.0.final


Usage: gvm <command> <candidate> [version]

   command    :  install, uninstall, list, use, current, version, default, selfupdate, broadcast or help
   candidate  :  groovy, grails, griffon, gradle, vertx
   version    :  optional, defaults to latest stable if not provided

eg: gvm install groovy
